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Put Your Game Face On: 6 Money Earning Games

Playing mobile games relieves you from stress. Imagine you forget all the hustles after a tiring day and indulge in playing a board game or a puzzle on your phone during commuting! The human brain works miracles when you reroute it to another process from a monotonous one.

Author:Andrew Stevenson
Reviewer:Johnathan Miller
Aug 11, 2023
Playing mobile games relieves you from stress. Imagine you forget all the hustles after a tiring day and indulge in playing a board game or a puzzle on your phone during commuting! The human brain works miracles when you reroute it to another process from a monotonous one. Your commute time passes like a breeze, and you reach home fresh. Think about winning real cash prizes while busting stress on the way home. Imagine playing a mobile game on the weekend and participating in contests to win big pots. How awesome will it be? Let us look at the types of mobile games you can play and show your skills to win cash prizes.

Types of Real Cash Mobile Games

Fantasy Sports

This term has become quite common these days. As the name suggests, fantasy sports is a genre of mobile games that demands strategic thinking and analytical capabilities. There are different genres or domains considering the sports type. You can make a team with the current players and win points. As the chosen players perform on the field, your team will gather points and compete with other fantasy teams. The highest point achiever will win the contest and be rewarded. Fantasy sports are the leading real cash real money gamesfans like to play. These fans follow the latest updates and news and gather information regarding their favorite teams and players. They analyze the performance of the enlisted players and make fantasy teams. You can play fantasy sports in cricket, basketball, and football.

Opinion-Based Games

Opinion-based games are interesting and exciting to play. This game genre is very easy to play. The game app prepares an event card with a question. These questions are based on events such as sports matches or current affairs. The questions focus on specific outcomes. All you have to do is to predict the outcome and answer these questions. For instance, a high-tension cricket match is going on. The questions are related to the outcomes of an over or a batsman’s performance. Win instant cash prizes by answering these questions with your prediction skills. Once the event is over, the cards lose validity and are discarded. The winners get the rewards credited to their respective accounts.

Card Games

Who does not love to play cards with their friends? There are hundreds of versions of card games we witness people playing in the neighborhood. Four popular versions are rummy, poker, call break, and teen patti. These card games are played with a conventional 52-card deck. The game apps follow the basic rules so that all card players can find it easier to grab. Card games can deliver a potential dimension where you can earn money. Card games are ideal for you if you are good at anticipating opponents’ moves and calculating risks. Focus on the rules and learn to play such games online. The leading mobile gaming apps conduct individual quests. The contests and tournaments are held on a bigger scale and have a bigger pot as rewards.

Board Games

This genre is the most fascinating and nostalgic one for all of us. All generations love board games. Anyone can make friends over a board game. For instance, the excitement of playing Ludo in the neighborhood or with family on holiday is something fascinating we always remember. These days, such board games can be played with random players on a mobile app. The leading choices for board games are Ludo, chess, carom, snakes & ladders, pool, etc. Ludo and Snakes & Ladders involve rolling dice. Chess has a checkered board with 32 pieces to move on it. Carom has two sets of coins, a striker, and four pockets. On the other hand, the pool is a version of billiards with a white striker ball and other colorful balls and a board with pockets. You can choose a mobile game based on your skill set and play it online to win cash prizes.

Arcade Games

Arcade games are those we use to play in public entertainment venues. These games are fast-paced, where players need to show their reflexes and quick thinking. Such games have a shorter time span considering the modes. In these games, the controls and rules are pretty simple. The intense gameplay is genuinely engaging and thrilling for the players. Such games are now available in the form of mobile apps. You can download and play these games to win short-span challenges and real cash prizes. Remember, you will have limited lives and time to complete a challenge and win the rewards.

Puzzle Games

Nothing sharpens your mind more than puzzles. If you want a break from the monotony, play puzzle games on your mobile. Give your mind something to think about and solve puzzles with your intelligence. Modern mobile apps provide a unique platform where you can showcase your problem-solving skills and win rewards. Puzzle games are ideal for playing with different modes to challenge you. Choose your genre and find the best puzzle game app that offers real prizes to take home.


You can focus on these six leading game genres and win real prizes. Choose games based on your skill set and find the ideal app to download. Develop your skills and a winning strategy to win rewards. Remember, these games come with stakes too. Invest your time and money accordingly and participate in contests for bigger prizes. Become a competitive player and use these games as a new venue to earn money.
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Andrew Stevenson

Andrew Stevenson

Meet Andrew Stevenson, a distinguished male writer whose passion and expertise encompass a wide array of topics, including global news, finance, health, celebrity culture, movies, and cryptocurrency. With a wealth of experience and a keen eye for detail, Andrew delivers engaging and informative content that resonates with readers from all walks of life. His insightful analysis of market trends, health breakthroughs, and the latest developments in entertainment captivates audiences, while his exploration of the burgeoning world of cryptocurrency offers invaluable insights into this rapidly evolving field. Andrew's commitment to excellence and his ability to distill complex information into accessible narratives make him a trusted source of knowledge and inspiration in today's dynamic media landscape. Join him on a journey of discovery as he illuminates the intersections of culture, finance, and technology, shaping the conversation one article at a time.
Johnathan Miller

Johnathan Miller

Meet Johnathan Miller, an esteemed writer and analyst renowned for his expertise in global news, finance, health, and cryptocurrency. With a distinguished background in finance and a meticulous approach to research, Johnathan offers incisive insights into market dynamics and economic trends. His articles are characterized by a profound understanding of health-related issues and a clear articulation of the complexities surrounding cryptocurrency. Through his professional lens and commitment to excellence, Johnathan navigates the intricate webs of our interconnected world, delivering compelling analysis and thought-provoking commentary. Join him on a journey of discovery and enlightenment as he continues to shape discourse in these vital spheres.
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