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Index Of Mr. Robot Season 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Cast, All Seasons & Episodes Recap

Consists total of four seasons, here is the index of Mr. Robot series all seasons with cast details & episodes recap for a quick brief for you in 2024.

Author:Andrew Stevenson
Reviewer:Johnathan Miller
Jan 29, 2024
Mr. Robot is an American television series about a, well, ethical hacker who is socially awkward. And the world takes a turn when he starts to play a major role in stopping an evil organisation headed by the Chinese Minister from exploding the world.
Mr Robot is a mind-bending show which is why we came up with this index of best thriller series in the true sense of it. You meet several personas, a thousand different plot lines and science at its best so much that at one point you get so engrossed into the series and its way of building things up you tend to lose yourself.
This isn’t a casual Sunday afternoon watch with cookies you sit with this show, you have to run a marathon and binge it all thanks to its complex yet immensely addictive plot. So we have presented Mr robot series review & Mr robot all episodes to help you out!
  • Genre:Drama, Crime, Thriller
  • IMDb Rating: 8.6/10
  • Written By:Sam Esmail, Kyle Bradstreet, Kate Erickson, David Iserson
  • Directed By: Sam Esmail
  • Available Platforms: Amazon Prime, Vudu, iTunes, USA Network, Google Play
  • Total Seasons:4 Seasons
  • Total Episodes: 45 Episodes
  • Running Period:2015-2019
  • Release Date:24 June 2015

Mr Robot Cast & All Characters List

  • Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson
Elliot Alderson
Elliot Alderson
  • Carly Chaikin as Darlene Alderson
Darlene Alderson
Darlene Alderson
  • Portia Doubleday as Angela Moss
Angela Moss
Angela Moss
  • Martin Wallström as Tyrell Wellick
Tyrell Wellick
Tyrell Wellick
  • Christian Slater as Mr Robot
Mr robot
Mr robot
  • Michael Cristofer as Phillip Price
Phillip Price
Phillip Price
  • Stephanie Corneliussen as Joanna Wellick
Joanna Wellick
Joanna Wellick
  • Grace Gummer as Dominique
  • BD Wong as Whiterose
  • Bobby Cannavale as Irving
  • Elliot Villar as Fernando Vera
Fernando Vera
Fernando Vera
  • Ashlie Atkinson as Janice
  • Gloria Reuben as Krista Gordon
Krista Gordon
Krista Gordon
  • Michel Gill as Gideon Goddard
Gideon Goddard
Gideon Goddard
  • Ben Rappaport as Ollie Parker
Ollie Parker
Ollie Parker
  • Aaron Takahashi as Lloyd Chong
Lloyd Chong
Lloyd Chong
  • Frankie Shaw as Shayla Nico
Shayla Nico
Shayla Nico
  • Sunita Mani as Shama
  • Bruce Altman as Terry Colby
Terry Colby
Terry Colby
  • Armand Schultz as Lenny Shannon
Lenny Shannon
Lenny Shannon
  • Michael Drayer as Francis “Cisco” Shaw

Index Of Mr Robot Series (Season 1 To Season 4)

A detailed synopsis for each episode written below and presented one table for each season along with official watch links. check them below.

Index Of Mr Robot Season 1

Mr robot season 1
Mr robot season 1
  • Number of Episodes: 10
  • Available Platforms: Amazon Prime, Vudu, USA Network
| | Name of The Episode| Availability| | --- | --- | --- | | Episode 1| Hello Friend | Watch It Now| | Episode 2| One And Zer0s | Watch It Now| | Episode 3| D3 Bug | Watch It Now| | Episode 4| Da3m0ns | Watch It Now| | Episode 5| 3xpl0its | Watch It Now| | Episode 6| Br4ve-Trave1er | Watch It Now| | Episode 7| V1ew-s0urce | Watch It Now| | Episode 8| Wh1ter0se | Watch It Now| | Episode 9| M1rr0r1ng | Watch It Now| | Episode 10| zer0-daY | Watch It Now|

Episode 1: Hello Friend

Recap:Elliot Anderson works at Allsafe, which is a cybersecurity company. Elliot has been long known as the socially awkward guy by day, and the one who hacks into the systems of his co-workers, drug dealers, and other such sorts of humans at night and retrieves personal information.
He manages to prevent a DDoS attack on Allsafe’s biggest client, E Corp. He recognizes a file labelled fsociety00.dat, along with which was also a text file asking him to not destroy the malware that comes with it. He soon gets a contact from Mr Robot who heads the society, asking him to join them and promises to erase all the debt records about E Corp.
Initially hesitant, Elliot agrees to the terms eventually. As his first assignment with society, he manages to trick the FBI into thinking that E Corp’s own leader was the one who attacked with the file by sending them an encrypted file.

Episode 2: One And Zer0s

Recap:Mr Robot finally reveals his plans and tells Elliot that they want to destroy E Corp. And to do so, they want to destroy the backup facility of theirs by hacking into their adjacent plant and destroying it altogether, by causing an explosion. However, this terrifies Elliot and it compels him to back out as he didn’t want to put lives at risk.
Elsewhere, Cisco, an unidentified ally of the Chinese hacker group The Dark Army, hacks into Ollie’s home PC. Meanwhile, Elliot shares his father’s secret of terminal illness with Mr Robot, compelling the latter to throw him off the rails for failing to keep his mouth shut.

Episode 3: D3 Bug

Recap:Elliot and Shyla go to a party where they get involved romantically, and Elliot believes that it’s time that he calls it quits with society. Meanwhile, Tyrell is angry that Scott Knowles was chosen for CTO and thus pays a man who didn’t have a home, or rather belong to the street, to go hit him.
Meanwhile, after infecting Ollie’s computer, Cisco asks Ollie to infect E Corp’s with the same CD. During the party, society leaks out the emails that tell how Colby was the one who caused the toxic waste to gush out causing leukaemia in Elliot’s father and mother. you can download Mr robot series in 2020 using different extensions.

Episode 4: Da3m0ns

Recap:Elliot comes up with a master plan to destroy E Corp’s backend services without causing an explosion. The plan includes hacking into Steel Mountain’s climate control system and to connect it to Raspberry Pi, steadily helping the temperature rise until it destroys the magnetic tape backups.
However, the plan needs physical access to intensely secured and protected data. Thus, Mr Robot, Romero, Elliot and Mobley go to the Steel Mountain. Elliot starts to multiple hallucinations as he is off morphine. Meanwhile, Darlene and Trenton stay behind and arrange another hack attack with the help of the Dark Army onto E Corp’s services in China.

Episode 5: 3xpl0its

Recap:Elliot finally trespasses Steel Mountain with the help of fsociety and human exploits. He even stumbles across Tyrell and manipulates his egoistic nature to get access into the protected area and plant the Raspberry Pi to monitor the climate system.
Elsewhere, the Dark Society turns fsociety’s request of hacking E Corp’s Chinese services, thus turning things upside down. On the other hand, Angela successfully infects Ollie’s computer with the CD to retrieve information from Allsafe. Meanwhile, Fernando Vera reveals that he is organizing Shayla’s kidnapping, as he holds Elliot responsible for turning him into the cops.

Episode 6: Br4ve-Trave1er

Recap:Vera’s brother kidnaps Shayla to manipulate Elliot into hacking the security systems of the prison and helping rescue Vera before he gets killed inside. Elliot then arranges a visit with Vera in the prison and then learns that the attack is actually planned and plotted by Vera’s brother himself.
Somehow, upon hacking into the jail’s systems, he breaks Vera out of jail. Upon asking him about the whereabouts of Shayla, Vera hands him a pair of keys and tells him that she had been there with him all along. The keys were of Elliot’s car’s, and he runs to his car and opens it. Just in time to find a slit-throat dead body of Shayla in the car’s trunk.

Episode 7: V1ew-s0urce

Recap:This episode mainly focuses on Elliot having flashbacks after Shayla’s death. The episode fast forwards to one month post her murder, where Elliot sits back and remembers how Shayla gave him a pet fish when he first moved into the neighbourhood. She tried to be his friend even though Elliot was so socially awkward.
Not only that, she even offered to contact a suboxone supplied on behalf of Elliot. All of this breaks Elliot inside, compelling him to deal with his demons. He later tells his therapist that he has a complex, weird habit of hacking into the systems of his near and dear ones and retrieving personal information. He confesses that he does so because he is extremely lonely, and doesn’t know how to cope with it.

Episode 8: Wh1ter0se

Recap:We get to know that Darlene and Angela have been friends for quite long. Meanwhile, Elliot and fsociety decide to attack again, but this too, they can’t make it without the Dark Army. Elliot stumbles across a transgender woman who reveals that the reason for Dark Army backing out was Gideon who was suspicious of Elliot and thus was the one to hack the server into a honeypot.
However, Elliot manages to shut it down with the help of Darlene. Gideon tells Tyrell about the honeypot, and the latter finds fsociety .dat file and meets Mr Robot – threatening him that he knows his secret and can expose him.
However, Mr Robot does not comply. On the other hand, Elliot tells Darlene that their plan has succeeded, which made Darlene say that she loved Elliot. Elliot kisses her, which makes Darlene pull back and ask whether he has forgotten again. Turns out, Darlene is Elliot’s sister, and Mr Robot is his father.

Episode 9: M1rr0r1ng

Recap:Flashback to the days when Elliot was young, working with his father in their computer repair shop called Mr Robot. Mr Robot and Elliot take a walk down memory lane when both of them go to visit Elliot’s childhood home.
However, Elliot gets angry and pushes Mr Robot out of the window, after which he takes him to his dead father’s graveyard. Mr Robot tells Elliot to ask Darlene and Angela not to get rid of him, and that he loves them.
Turns out, Elliot had taken his father’s persona, who has been dead long, when he says “I am Mr Robot”. Elliot gets dubious about society’s plan. Later, Tyrell threatens Elliot about it, which prompts Elliot to take him to the arcade. They both agree to work together, and the last scene pans out to Elliot glancing at a hidden gun of Darlene’s.

Episode 10: Zer0-daY

Recap:Elliot wakes up three days after the incident in the arcade, in Tyrell’s SUV. Turns out, fsociety’s plan has turned out to be a massive success, winning hearts and cheers from crowds all around. It even encrypted the said files to hide all track records of them having done so in the first place.
And Elliot, to everyone’s surprise, has no memory of what happened whatsoever. When E Corp prepares for an emergency television forecast, Elliot contacts Mr Robot and asks him the whereabouts of Tyrell.
He does visit him, but to his surprise, finds only Joanna to whom he introduces himself as “Ollie”. The scene ends with him opening the apartment door and finding no one inside. you can also download Mr robot season 1 online using different extensions in 2020.

Index Of Mr Robot Season 2

Index of mr robot season 2
Index of mr robot season 2
  • Number of Episodes: 12
  • Available Platforms: Amazon Prime, Vudu, USA Network
| | Name of The Episode| Availability| | --- | --- | --- | | Episode 1| Unm4sk Part - 1 | Watch It Now| | Episode 2| Unm4sk Part - 2 | Watch It Now| | Episode 3| K3rnel-pan1c | Watch It Now| | Episode 4| Init_1 | Watch It Now| | Episode 5| Logic-b0mb | Watch It Now| | Episode 6| M4ster-s1ave | Watch It Now| | Episode 7| H4ndshake | Watch It Now| | Episode 8| Succ3ss0r | Watch It Now| | Episode 9| Init_5 | Watch It Now| | Episode 10| H1dden-pr0ces | Watch It Now| | Episode 11| Pyth0n Part - 1 | Watch It Now| | Episode 12| Pyth0n Part - 2 | Watch It Now|

Episode 1: Unm4sk Part – 1

Recap:The episode shows that Tyrell had recorded a fsociety video that night. Elliot has gone MIA, living with his mother and leading a mundane routine where Mr Robot keeps emerging and tormenting him and refusing to disclose any information regarding Tyrell.
Fsociety is now headed by Darlene and is on a current mission to hack into Susan Jacobs, the general counsel of the E Corp’s system to use it as their home base after they successfully force her out. Elsewhere, Video visits Elliot informing that Allsafe is in shambles, and the FBI’s radar has him as the target.

Episode 2: Unm4sk Part – 2

Recap:In the previous episode, Darlene manages to execute a hack onto the E Corp’s Banks and holds their records for a ransom. In this episode, fsociety compels Scott Knowles to wear a mask and burn the amount, that too in public.
Angela is satisfied with her promotion and position at corporate, and Joanna receives a gift box from an unknown person with a phone on the backside and gets a missed call. Meanwhile, Elliot realises he had been acting under Mr Robot’s influence in his sleep. Brock murders Gideon, and Elliot wakes up to Tyrell in the end.

Episode 3: K3rnel-pan1c

Recap:Elliot struggles to get rid of Mr Robot. Elsewhere, Mobley finds Romero dead, in his home. Mobley and Trenton start suspecting that maybe the Dark Army is behind it all, and Elliot and Darlene might be working on it too. Meanwhile, Ray was looking for a cyber engineer for his personal reasons and somehow makes Elliot speak up about Mr Robot.
Elliot relapses again, and intakes a humongous amount of Adderall and breaks down mentally. In the end, Romero’s mother finds a poster that says “End of the World Party”, and ends up at the arcade.

Episode 4: Init_1

Recap:Last year in Halloween, Mr Robot came out for the first time and put his idea of the hack on the table to Darlene when Elliot wore the fsociety mask. Presently, he asks Elliot to beat him in a game of chess and then he will leave forever, however it ends in statements all three matches.
Joanna starts to go broke by paying the guard to keep his mouth shut about Tyrell’s SUV that he found. Scott refuses to testify against Tyrell too, in exchange for his severance pay. In the end, Elliot agrees to help Ray, However, he secretly uses the computer to seek out information from the FBI by hacking into their system.

Episode 5: Logic-b0mb

Recap:Elliot finds out the hack from Ray’s computer into the FBI’s systems. Darlene seeks Angela’s help saying that they can wipe off the records from the FBI, but the latter refuses. Meanwhile, Elliot asks Ray to bring in his previous IT specialist as he needed to talk to him, called RT. He gets to know from RT that Ray runs a website for illegal things.
In the end, Elliot gets beaten up by thugs. Meanwhile, Dominique goes to China with a gang to investigate the Dark Army matter, but the Minister of China was actually Whiterose. Thus, after a brief discussion with the minister, the next morning she finds that half of her men have been killed.

Episode 6: M4ster-s1ave

Recap:Elliot drifts into a retro version envisioning a family road trip. Mr Robot persuades him to see straight unless he wants to end up in the hospital. He later hugs Mr Robots and thanks to him for protecting his mind when he was getting beaten up. In a flashback, he remembers how the day Elliot’s father fired him for being sick was also the day he let his son name the computer store.
Dominique gets saved from the firing but is determined to dig deeper into the Dark Army case. In the end, we see Darlene and Mobley training Angela for the hack but Dominique appears just in time.

Episode 7: H4ndshake

Recap:Domonique learns about Angela’s past and grows more suspicious. Angela confronts Darlene about the creation of the fsociety when she recognizes that they wear masks much similar to the movie they used to watch on repeat as kids.
Meanwhile, Mr Robot confesses that he and Elliot together killed Tyrell. Elliot on the other hand fixes Ray’s computer but lets the FBI know after getting to know Ray illegal business that he conducts on the Dark Web.

Episode 8: Succ3ss0r

Recap:Fsociety finds out that Project Berenstain basically includes stealing the personal information of more than three million people for Five/Nine. They tie Susan Jacobs up, and Darlene starts to get flashbacks of how Susan had an evil laugh when E Corp got cleared of the toxic leak blame, one that killed Darlene’s father.
She gives a fatal shock to Susan that ends her up dead. Mobley and Darlene incinerate her body, and Domonique’s suspect needle lands on Mobley when she investigates Darlene’s stolen gun. However, he doesn’t give away any information. Also, in the end, Darlene finds out that Cisco was reporting to the Dark Army behind her back, and thus, she hits him with a baseball bat.

Episode 9: Init_5

Recap:Elliot gets arrested, and even though his prison time was around eighteen months, he gets released early due to cost control measures. Darlene then tells him that Mobley and Trenton have gone missing too. Meanwhile, Angela learns that the toxic leak issue by the E Corp has not been dealt with yet.
On the other hand, Darlene and Elliot hack into the FBI’s phone and systems and start reading conversations on “Stage 2”. Darlene leaves Susan a tape with her face on it, which Cisco hears instead. Elliot hears a knock on his door, and as he opens it – he sees Joanna.

Episode 10: H1dden-pr0ces

Recap:A witness testifies that Cisco was leaving Susan’s apartment, making everyone suspect him. Even after repeated pleas from Domonique that the Dark Army is going to attack, they release a picture of Cisco all over showing that he might be a Five/Nine suspect.
Meanwhile, Joanna asks Elliot to track the phone down that she found thinking it might be Tyrell’s. Angela meets Elliot later and tells him that he has more memory gaps than ever, and he should not trust Mr Robot anymore.

Episode 11: Pyth0n Part – 1

Recap:Angela finds herself in a house where she meets a young girl who was tortured and gives her psych evaluation. She tells her that she should have died ages ago and that her mother and Elliot’s father died for a greater, better cause. Elliot starts to lucid dream where he sees Mr Robot hack into an apartment.
However, he gains control on his way back on a cab and surprisingly sees Tyrell come in and sit too. The driver doesn’t acknowledge Tyrell’s presence and kicks Elliot out for panicking. Tyrell then tells Elliot that Stage 2 is on and is something he’d be greatly pleased with.

Episode 12: Pyth0n Part – 2

Recap:Elliot gets taken to a remote location by Tyrell were the plans of Stage 2 is revealed. Basically, it involves hacking into the backup facility of E Corp and executing an explosion to destroy it altogether. Elliot gets convinced that Tyrell is not real, and thus tries to undo the hack. However, Tyrell shoots him on the head and calls up Darlene and says he’d be there with him when he wakes up.
Darlene gets arrested by the FBI and Dominique investigates and interrogates her. Missing Mobley and Trenton are seen to be hiding in the West Coast, where Trenton confesses to Mobley that she has a way to undo the hack. Users can watch and download Mr robot season 2 using Netflix.

Index Of Mr Robot Season 3

Index Of Mr. Robot season 3
Index Of Mr. Robot season 3
  • Number of Episodes: 10
  • Available Platforms: Amazon Prime, Vudu, USA Network
| | Name of The Episode| Availability| | --- | --- | --- | | Episode 1| Power-Saver-Mode | Watch It Now| | Episode 2| Undo | Watch It Now| | Episode 3| Legacy | Watch It Now| | Episode 4| Metadata | Watch It Now| | Episode 5| Runtime-error | Watch It Now| | Episode 6| Kill-process | Watch It Now| | Episode 7| Fredrick+tanya | Watch It Now| | Episode 8| Don't-delete-me | Watch It Now| | Episode 9| Stage3 | Watch It Now| | Episode 10| Shutdown -r | Watch It Now|

Episode 1: Power-Saver-Mode

Recap:Elliot wakes up two weeks later with Angela by his side and asks her to give him a job at E Corp to make things right. Angela decides to manipulate him just like Mr Robot so that she can advance Stage 2 even further.
Her ultimate goal is to remove every negative track record from E Corp’s history and build a new world. But the question is, will she or will she not be successful in doing it? stream Mr robot online free to know more about this episode.

Episode 2: Undo

Recap:Elliot climbs the ladder to higher positions in E Corp and convinces a middle manager to digitize the records, and secretly moves the rest away from the Stage 2 building to a warehouse. Darlene is still getting investigated by the FBI and stays over at Elliot for the night.
However, Mr Robot emerges and scares her. We get to know that Zhang, or Whiterose, has a hold over Angela and desperately needs the Stage 2 plan to execute on the day of the vote whether he wins or not.

Episode 3: Legacy

Recap:Tyrell tells Mr Robot that he needs him for stage 2, while Irvine and Dark Army get to know Tyrell’s involvement in honeypot and start suspecting him. The Dark Army looks out for Tyrell so that no one knows he is alive, by killing all his enemies and people who get to know his whereabouts. Tyrell confesses in a psych evaluation that he will always be loyal to Elliot, compelling Zhang to keep a close eye on both Tyrell and Elliot.

Episode 4: Metadata

Recap:Darlene stays over the night to follow Mr Robot and loses her mind when she sees her with Angela. Meanwhile, Tyrell gets sad and loses his trust in Elliot seeing the delayed shipping records. Only three days left till Stage 2 happens, which makes Angela hurry things up and help shift records back. She hits Elliot with a tranquillizer when he sees her and Tyrell together.

Episode 5: Runtime-error

Recap:Elliot loses all his memory of the past 4 days. He suddenly realizes that he has been fired, and today’s the date of the UN vote, and also the day Stage 2 occurs. He tries to tamper with the security but gets kicked out. He calls in and disposes of a bomb threat so that the building evacuates.
Meanwhile, a large group of anti-E Corp people gather round. Darlene appears and confesses that she had been working with the FBI and helps Elliot remember whatever he had forgotten. The people break-in, to everyone’s terror. Amidst the chaos. Elliot confronts Angela.

Episode 6: Kill-process

Recap:Mr Robot constantly tries to delay Elliot when he tries to prevent the explosion from happening. However, he somehow convinces him to help him when he realizes that the paper records weren’t there in the same building. Tyrell’s whereabouts get to know, and he gets arrested publicly.
The explosion doesn’t happen, which makes Elliot think he stopped the attack. However, he soon sees reports that the 71 E Corp facilities blasted out the very place where he redirected the paper records. This makes him realize that he contributed to the magnitude of the explosion.

Episode 7: Fredrick+tanya

Recap:Mr Robot makes Krista realise that Elliot had major participation in the explosion that occurred. Zhang plans to shift the Washington Township to Congo and ruins Price for not being able to control Angela.
Meanwhile, Tyrell gets to know that another attack is being planned by the Dark Army within 24 hours. Elsewhere, Leon kills Mobley’s friend and seeks help from Mobley and Trenton to bury the body.

Episode 8: Don’t-delete-me

Recap:Elliot tells Darlene that he is unable to keep Mr Robot away and all of this is his fault. He takes a humongous amount of Morphine and goes to an island to suicide but is stopped by Trenton’s younger brother Mohammed. He was left alone by his parents and thus they two go for the moviesfrom where Mohammed flees and goes to a mosque resulting in an intense confrontation.
Elliot later visits Angela and plays the Wishing Game, a game that they played as kids which helped him restore his will to live. He wears his Mr Robot jacket back, reinstalls his computer and just in time, sees the message from Trenton which says that there is a way to undo the hack.

Episode 9: Stage3

Recap:Trenton’s email had the keys that Romero had that could undo the Five/Nine happenings. Angela is still misguided and thinks that Whiterose has noble intentions and thus stops believing in Elliot. Elliot meets Zhang’s assistant for a fake Stage 3, and they scan his laptop and get access to the Dark Army.
Meanwhile, Darlene tells the FBI that she knows that they’re under the Dark Army’s control. In the end, Whiterose is angry when he gets to know shifting the plat will take over a month.

Episode 10: Shutdown -r

Recap:Domonique and Darlene get kidnapped by Santiago having found his double-agent status, along with Elliot. Grant tries to kill Elliot, but he says he has a plan to help shift the plant to Congo faster and is given a trial. Grant kills himself when Whiterose says that they don’t need him anymore.
In the end, when Elliot hacks into the FBI, he learns that it wasn’t Romero encrypting the files, but Mr Robot instead. Mr Robot saved all of them because that’s what Elliot would have wanted. you can download Mr robot season 3 online in 2020.

Index Of Mr Robot Season 4

Index Of Mr. Robot season 4
Index Of Mr. Robot season 4
  • Number of Episodes: 13
  • Available Platforms: Amazon Prime, Vudu, USA Network
| | Name of The Episode| Availability| | --- | --- | --- | | Episode 1| 401 Unauthorized | Watch It Now| | Episode 2| 402 Payment Required | Watch It Now| | Episode 3| 403 Forbidden | Watch It Now| | Episode 4| 404 Not Found | Watch It Now| | Episode 5| 405 Method Not Allowed | Watch It Now| | Episode 6| 406 Not Acceptable | Watch It Now| | Episode 7| 407 Proxy Authentication Required | Watch It Now| | Episode 8| 408 Request Timeout | Watch It Now| | Episode 9| 409 Conflict | Watch It Now| | Episode 10| 410 Gone | Watch It Now| | Episode 11| eXit | Watch It Now| | Episode 12| Whoami | Watch It Now| | Episode 13| Hello, Elliot | Watch It Now|

Episode 1: 401 Unauthorized

Recap:Angela wants to seek revenge from the Whiterose, but Price insists that they drop the plan, later killing her. Whiterose sends the picture of the dead body to Elliot to warn him that he has time till December. Elliot and Mr Robot do their own little research and find out that the Whiterose has connections with Cyprus National Bank.
However, it is a trap and they investigate further only to be injected by three men and dragged to some other location. Elliot wakes up and finds himself in front of Price. Meanwhile, Darlene relapses into drugs when she keeps believing and blaming herself for Angela’s disappearance.

Episode 2: 402 Payment Required

Recap:Darlene calls and says that their mother has passed away, There was a safety deposit that their mother had but the bank disposes of it after her death. Darlene admits to Elliot that she has been getting bad after Angela, and joins him against Whiterose. She also thanks to him for taking care of Vera.
Mr Robot and Elliot sink into a confrontation about now having any knowledge about the return of Vera. Meanwhile, we get to know about the Deus group that funds the Dark Army, one that Zhang has been building for decades.

Episode 3: 403 Forbidden

Recap:Elliot and Krista bump into each other but Krista leaves. He then approaches Olivia Cortez, a member of the E Corp to hack. Mr Robot takes Olivia to a bar, buys her a drink, kisses her and she takes him home. He gets Olivia’s passcode and sends it to Darlene. On the way back, Mr Robot and Elliot feel as though they are being followed by the Dark Army in a white van.
When he reaches home, he sees Tyrell has broken into his apartment. Before he could warn him that the Dark Army is most likely listening, Tyrell tells Elliot that he is the CEO of E Corp now, which can help them bring E Corp down.

Episode 4: 404 Not Found

Recap:Tyrell and Elliot get stuck in a forest where they move about in circles, unable to get out of it. They have a conversation where Elliot says that he doesn’t care about Tyrell, which upsets him. Meanwhile, Darlene learns that the passcode isn’t enough, and the bank has to be hacked directly.
When she finds that Elliot’s apartment was broken into, she suspects that maybe someone killed her brother who is all she is left with and loves him dearly, even though she gets furious at him from time to time. The Dark Army agent kills Tyrell, and a dying Tyrell asks Elliot to finish their business with Whiterose – to take them down.

Episode 5: 405 Method Not Allowed

Recap:Elliot burns the van and he and Darlene break into Virtual Reality; where the servers of the Cyprus National Bank are there. They set up a firmware that allows them to extract information in 40 minutes. The security guard gets to know they have trespassed and he calls the cops.
They chase Elliot through Central Park, meanwhile, Darney leaves posing as a gym attendee. Price gets a text from Elliot saying Tyrell won’t make the meeting, to which Price replies that the meeting will happen anyway.

Episode 6: 406 Not Acceptable

Recap:Vera interrogates Krista regarding Elliot whereas Domonique knocks Darlene out to get access to her phone upon Janice’s command to get Elliot’s location. Krista warns Elliot that Vera is coming for him, and asks her to meet at a certain location. However, Elliot gets kidnapped midway by Vera’s men.

Episode 7: 407 Proxy Authentication Required

Recap:Elliot is made to go through a therapy session and learns that his father molested him, even though Mr Robot tries to manipulate him into believing that he is a good man all these years. Vera tries to console Elliot by revealing his own past incidents of physical abuse, but oblivious that Krista is behind him. Krista stabs Vera in the back.

Episode 8: 408 Request Timeout

Recap:Elliot follows his younger self and gets the key to his childhood bedroom, where he and Mr Robot come face to face. Elliot breaks down and admits that he created Mr Robot so that he could be the father he needed in the first place. Mr Robot comforts him, apologizing for not being able to protect him.

Episode 9: 409 Conflict

Recap:Darlene lets the video of the Deus Group out in public, and it gets robbed too. Zhang shoots Price when he realizes he was behind it all and sees Elliot escape. Meanwhile, the FBI surrounds Whiterose’s mansion, and gun firing starts just when she starts to put her makeup on.

Episode 10: 410 Gone

Recap:Zhang’s identity is revealed to the world as Whiterose. Meanwhile, Darlene offers Dominique to run away with her and Elliot. However, at the airport, Dominique gets on the plane and Darlene deliberately misses it. She heaves a sigh of relief as the plane takes off, starting her life afresh.

Episode 11: eXit

Recap:Elliot tries to stop the machine from causing an explosion but to no avail. Whiterose already activated it, and she tells Elliot that this way there would be a better world. Elliot argues saying that the people who care about him make life worth living. Whiterose disagrees, countering that Elliot has a choice, and she doesn’t and kills herself. The machine explodes and Mr Robot and Elliot say their last goodbyes.

Episode 12: Whoami

Recap:Elliot wakes up in some different world where his parents are still alive, and he is supposed to get married to Angela. He goes to his apartment and sees an iMac on which the alternate Elliot had sketches of him.
When he meets the alternate Elliot, he realizes he can have a better life for himself and kills him. However, Dominique finds the body of the alternate Elliot and arrests the original one.

Episode 13: Hello, Elliot

Recap:Elliot wakes up to Krista, where she says that it wasn’t the real Elliot that was going through it all but one of his personas, called ‘The Mastermind’. The Mastermind trapped the real Elliot and took over control, refusing to give the control back to the real one.
He wakes up in the hospital where Darlene tells him that the machine has been destroyed and everything is safe now. She also says that she knows he’s the Mastermind and not the real Elliot. The Mastermind understands and gives control to the real Elliot. The real Elliot wakes up, and Darlene greets him. watch Mr robot season 4 now.


This Index of best crime drama series is our favourite to watch in this category. so that’s our detailed, full-fledged index on this mind-bending show. Rumours have Mr robot new season 5 has been officially cancelled for this series, but well that’s just a rumour for now. We would, however, love to have another season. We just can’t get enough of the Elliot and Mr Robot duo! Just go and watch Mr robot series online now in 2020.

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This Index of Mr Robot, along with its quick season recap, contains all the ethical & official links and is for entertainmentpurposes only. Our objective is to inform and bestow people with basic knowledge. we have only provided official links of Mr robot to watch for free.
We don’t claim any content that is shared on this platform as ours. after all, we are just providing the information that you need. We don’t encourage or promote piracy in any manner. We stand firmly against hacking, stealing, and whatever action associated with the crime. We firmly oppose and do not encourage any unethical acts or piracy in any manner. Always watch any kind of show or series online in an ethical way.
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